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please can you help Finding World War 2 English sailor’s number and ship name

myMy dad stanleyStanley G henryHenry was on a ship in ww2 fromWorld War 2.

From what iI remember he was a cook on there he. He was born 25 novNov 1915 and lied about his age so he could go fight im looking for anything that might help me.

How can I find his number or the name of the ship he was on please?

please can you help

my dad stanley G henry was on a ship in ww2 from what i remember he was a cook on there he was born 25 nov 1915 and lied about his age so he could go fight im looking for anything that might help me find his number or the name of the ship he was on please

Finding World War 2 English sailor’s number and ship name

My dad Stanley G Henry was on a ship in World War 2.

From what I remember he was a cook on there. He was born 25 Nov 1915 and lied about his age so he could go fight.

How can I find his number or the name of the ship he was on?

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please can you help

my dad stanley G henry was on a ship in ww2 from what i remember he was a cook on there he was born 25 nov 1915 and lied about his age so he could go fight im looking for anything that might help me find his number or the name of the ship he was on please