I think it reads:
natural de la Trajo de Imeita [wrong]
natural de la Graja de Iniesta término municipal de id [idéntico] provincia de Quenca
(thanks @Javi García and @Trebia Project for clarifying) but since that is not what was asked for I think the other location referenced does not start with a G because there are enough captial Gs that look different. I don't think it is an I either because if you look at "Graja de Iniesta" that would rule out an I. I rather think it is either an J or an Y. I think the third letter is rather a g than a y because there are a lot of examples of "ya" in which the y is thinner. n and u look quite similar, most probably the rounder one is the u and the edgier one is the n. What is puzzling is that in two occurrences the second letter seems to be a u and the fourth one a n while in two other occurrences this seem to be reversed. Because of that I also wouldn't rule out the possibility that both are u's.
That would mean that it is either "J/Yugnio/a" or "J/Yuguio/a".