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Added Autosomal DNA Tag, Clarified Title, formatted question, added some clarifications.
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How to test Calculating the relationship offrom the RAW autosomal result file between two individuals?

My question is about ancestry/genealogy testthe Ancestry Genealogy tests (Autosomal DNA tests) being offered.

Suppose a genomeconsume DNA testing service company, like 23andMe/, extracts two people's genomicgenetic information. After that, how

How will the company test the relative relationship of two individuals? Will they use some algorithms to detect the identity-by-descent (IBD) segments? 

Could you please introduce me some effective but also efficient/simple algorithms for ancestry/genealogy test? So far, I only know detection by IBD.

How to test the relationship of two individuals?

My question is about ancestry/genealogy test.

Suppose a genome service company, like 23andMe, extracts two people's genomic information. After that, how will the company test the relative relationship of two individuals? Will they use some algorithms to detect the identity-by-descent (IBD) segments? Could you please introduce me some effective but also efficient/simple algorithms for ancestry/genealogy test? So far, I only know detection by IBD.

Calculating the relationship from the RAW autosomal result file between two individuals?

My question is about the Ancestry Genealogy tests (Autosomal DNA tests) being offered.

Suppose a consume DNA testing service company, like 23andMe/, extracts two people's genetic information.

How will the company test the relative relationship of two individuals? Will they use some algorithms to detect the identity-by-descent (IBD) segments? 

Could you please introduce me some effective but also efficient/simple algorithms for ancestry/genealogy test? So far, I only know detection by IBD.

Post Reopened by bgwiehle, user104, Harry V., PolyGeo
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added 204 characters in body
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How do weMy question is about ancestry/genealogy test.

Suppose a genome service company, like 23andMe, extracts two people's genomic information. After that, how will the company test the relative relationship of two individuals?

For example, I would like Will they use some algorithms to test whether person A is a 3rd cousin of person B.

detect the identity-by-descent (IBD) segments? Could you please introduce me some effective but also efficient/simple algorithms for genealogyancestry/genealogy test? So far, I only know detection by IBD.

How do we test the relative relationship of two individuals?

For example, I would like to test whether person A is a 3rd cousin of person B.

Could you please introduce me some effective but also efficient/simple algorithms for genealogy test?

My question is about ancestry/genealogy test.

Suppose a genome service company, like 23andMe, extracts two people's genomic information. After that, how will the company test the relative relationship of two individuals? Will they use some algorithms to detect the identity-by-descent (IBD) segments? Could you please introduce me some effective but also efficient/simple algorithms for ancestry/genealogy test? So far, I only know detection by IBD.

Post Closed as "Needs details or clarity" by PolyGeo
Changed DNA tag to Relationship Mapping
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changed tag from genealogical-societies to DNA, as better match to question content
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