I have a record of Martin Ryan baptism by Rootsireland record but it doesn't have everything the original document has.
Rootsireland record:
Registers.nli.ie record (https://registers.nli.ie/registers/vtls000632759#page/40/mode/1up):
1) What is the full translation of day 22?
Civil Record (https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/birth_returns/births_1865/03552/2307836.pdf):
2) I need help translating a couple of words on the Civil document. Under "name and surname ... of mother" it says "Mary Ryan" something "Hayes". Anyone know what the word is?
Also under "Signature, Qualification and Residence..." it says something (the?) "Jeremiah" something "Ryan" something (moth?) "father Drumwood".