I (female) had an unexpected half sister match (1,866 cM across 49 segments) in Ancestry.com. We are about the same age so I'm assuming sibling. Upon closer examination I realized my brother(A) was actually a half sibling match (1,696 cM across 72 segments) and not a full brother. This explains why I didn't match anyone related to our father unless it was a descendant of our mother too. And there are dozens of matches to my new half sibling's family to me. My apparent biological father lived two miles from my family. I'm okay with all of this and it actually explains a lot of my childhood but my brother is livid. He thinks it's all a scam or an error. Also, the daughter (my niece) of another brother (B) matches the new biological family which would point to this brother being a full siblings having the same (new) biological father. This brother's DNA is not in the system. He won't add it because he too thinks this whole scenario is crazy and it is maligning our mother! Both fathers are deceased, hence no DNA from them.
This would have to be a lot of errors! I'm new at this and don't know how to go about verifying these results. How can I prove what's in Ancestry.com is legitimate? Has anyone ever had a "wrong" match before? And wrong when there are this many matches?
Too make matters worse, my brother A and I sent our DNA to another company of his choice (Biogene) and it came back as 97% full siblings which indicates Ancestry.com is wrong. I don't know how this could be. I can't find out much on Biogene so don't know if it is reputable or not.
My new half sister hasn't responded so I'm assuming she is trying to reconcile the connection. It is not my intention to disrupt anyone's life so I don't think she's going to be helpful.
Wow, so much to say! First, someone tell me if I'm posting at the right place. Do I edit my original post in this manner or add a comment?
We did cheek swabs with Biogene. My brother ordered the tests. He was looking specifically for a sibling test. He doesn't believe cM's will tell him anything. We don't live close to each other (thank goodness, excuse the editorial). I've tried to call the company for an explanation of the test and why I don't see cM's on the result. They will not talk to me. I've tried to do research on Biogene but can find very little that's not related to their own PR. My brother thinks they are the number one DNA company out there.
My brother will not use the companies you suggest as he says it's all a con game and they just want your money. I've pleaded with him to use GEDmatch to no avail.
I have called Ancestry. They were very cordial but really not much help. Just gave me links to their online info.
As far as my new match possibly not being a half sister, I've examined this inside out. I'm definitely new to this game but I'm trying to be organized and methodically and definitely leave the emotion out of it (except for the stress my brother is causing!).
I am not related to any of my father's (my surname) relatives who are in the system. We were able to get my mother's DNA before this scenario popped up. She is not related to any of my new unexpected matches. My niece from brother B matches the same people I do (with less cM's) and also does not match my father's relatives. This is less officially but a pic of possible biological father as a young man looks amazingly like brother B.
Can I add a screen print of the results from Biogene here if I omit the header with names?
Thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in helping me. I don't have a clue how to rectify this.
My niece who is the daughter of brother B whom I believe must also have the same suspected biological father as me has this relationship to me: 1,652 cM across 62 segments
I can't get the prt scr to work here for the Biogene test results, Any suggestions?
I can't get the cM matches between my niece and my potential half sister. No one is speaking to me!