I noticed today (1 Jun 2016) that AncestryDNA.com has converted over to their new 2.0 file format, where as about a week ago they were still on the 1.0 format.
Both file formats state they are based on build 37.1 but FamilyTreeDNA.com is not accepting their transfers.
How does one convert between the two formats as the format at face value seems to be the same?
AncestryDNA raw data download This file was generated by AncestryDNA at: 05/31/2016 17:22:49 MDT Data was collected using AncestryDNA array version: V2.0 Data is formatted using AncestryDNA converter version: V1.0 Below is a text version of your DNA file from Ancestry.com DNA, LLC. THIS INFORMATION IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE AND IS INTENDED FOR GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED FOR MEDICAL, DIAGNOSTIC, OR HEALTH PURPOSES. THE EXPORTED DATA IS SUBJECT TO THE AncestryDNA TERMS AND CONDITIONS, BUT PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE DOWNLOADED DATA WILL NO LONGER BE PROTECTED BY OUR SECURITY MEASURES. WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD YOUR RAW DNA DATA, YOU ASSUME ALL RISK OF STORING, SECURING AND PROTECTING YOUR DATA. FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE ANCESTRYDNA FAQS. Genetic data is provided below as five TAB delimited columns. Each line corresponds to a SNP. Column one provides the SNP identifier (rsID where possible). Columns two and three contain the chromosome and basepair position of the SNP using human reference build 37.1 coordinates. Columns four and five contain the two alleles observed at this SNP (genotype). The genotype is reported on the forward (+) strand with respect to the human reference. rsid chromosome position allele1 allele2
AncestryDNA Build 1.0
AncestryDNA raw data download This file was generated by AncestryDNA at: 05/21/2016 13:02:53 MDT Data was collected using AncestryDNA array version: V1.0 Data is formatted using AncestryDNA converter version: V1.0 Below is a text version of your DNA file from Ancestry.com DNA, LLC. THIS INFORMATION IS FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE AND IS INTENDED FOR GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED FOR MEDICAL OR HEALTH PURPOSES. THE EXPORTED DATA IS SUBJECT TO THE AncestryDNA TERMS AND CONDITIONS, BUT PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE DOWNLOADED DATA WILL NO LONGER BE PROTECTED BY OUR SECURITY MEASURES. WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD YOUR RAW DNA DATA, YOU ASSUME ALL RISK OF STORING, SECURING AND PROTECTING YOUR DATA. FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE ANCESTRYDNA FAQS. Genetic data is provided below as five TAB delimited columns. Each line corresponds to a SNP. Column one provides the SNP identifier (rsID where possible). Columns two and three contain the chromosome and basepair position of the SNP using human reference build 37.1 coordinates. Columns four and five contain the two alleles observed at this SNP (genotype). The genotype is reported #on the forward (+) strand with respect to the human reference. rsid chromosome position allele1 allele2
The data looks approximately the same at the head of the data as well as at the tail in general format EXCEPT:
- That the new v2.0 download files now contain Chromosome 1-26 vs. the v1.0 contained Chromosomes 1-25.
- There are about 50,000 lines less in v2.0 what has traditional 700100 in v1.0.
- I know some of the SNPs Ancestry.com was testing for were deleted and replaced with different SNPs.
My initial assumption is that it is not as simple as deleting what is labeled as Chromosome 26 as there would be even less rows, which will further increase the risk of decreasing my matches (I assume).