Very much on the same topic as an earlier question, Interpreting 17th century German church record?, I have found a lead for further research (quite obvious lead but my subscription on Archion had run out):
Two years after the birth of Henning Conrad (see previous post), another man with the same surname was born in the same town. This leads me to believe that it is a sibling of Henning Conrad with the possibility that the parents (or at least the fathers) name may be revealed.
A name registry book reveals:
Warnecke Jolst/Jobst(?) Johann 75
Source: Reg T 1673-1794,1823-1852 (Kirchenkreis Laatzen-Pattensen / Gestorf) Bild 82
On page 75 in the church book I find this record. My attempt to decipher the text was greatly helped by the answer to my previous post but unfortunately I once again fell short:
???? ?????? Jobst Warnekens Sohn Jobst Johan geboren ???? 17 Febr ????? zwischen 7 und 8. Getauft den 22. Gevatter ??? ??? ?? Johan von Jeinsen, ??? ??? ?????
Source: KB 1673-1751 (Kirchenkreis Laatzen-Pattensen / Gestorf) Bild 47
Can someone help me decipher the full record?
Update (more information to help clarify the unknowns):
Birth record of a probable sibling (Anna Dorothea) where the fathers name seems to be mentioned
Source: KB 1673-1751 (Kirchenkreis Laatzen-Pattensen / Gestorf), page 85, #21