When we start genealogy we know the persons who are closest to us in time so we are comfortable using software where each person record is a unique "conclusion" person. We create a person record for each real person as we add them, and then we add additional facts and events to those records as we learn more. This style of genealogy is called "person based genealogy."
When we get farther back in time we can no longer be sure about the exact persons that the evidence refers to, so we must collect evidence from as many record sources as we can, and only when we think we understand the proper set of persons and relationships that best fit the evidence, can we create the conclusion person records. This style of genealogy is called "record based genealogy."
In a nutshell, person based genealogy is when you create your person records first and add facts and events later. Record based genealogy is when you must collect the evidence first and only later, when you have enough evidence to make decisions, can you create the person records.
Today's software systems are based on person based genealogy. Every person record in a database is assumed to be a unique person, and if you discover that two records are the same person your immediate reaction is to merge them.
But when you get far enough back that you must use record based genealogy, you are faced with the problem of recording all the facts and events before you know enough to create the person records to attach the facts and events to.
How do you store the evidence you have collected before you have enough to confidently decide who are the real persons being mentioned?
Personally I use "persona" records for this, but there must be lots of other options. Many of the experienced genealogists here have obviously faced this issue and have come up with their own unique solutions.
The question is: How do you store evidence about persons, once you have reached the transition into record based genealogy, so before you know enough to create the conclusion person records that the evidence applies to? You HAVE the evidence. You don't yet know what PERSONS the evidence BELONGS to. How do you STORE the evidence so you can find it and evaluate during the decision process?