I was given an AncestryDNA test as a Christmas gift and I took the test. I was matched with several people that I didn’t know but I assumed they were people on my dad’s side who I knew absolutely nothing about. Not even his name.
After doing some research into the matches, I got info from one of my cousin matches about some other family members and reached out someone I thought I was related to. I asked him to do an AncestryDNA test and he did. His results showed that we are close family. We have 1845cM I believe he is my half brother.
We both share a match with someone else but our cM numbers are totally different. Mine Is 949 cM with this woman and his read 1449cM with her. I know for certain that he is her half uncle because her dad is his brother. What’s throwing me off is the fact that, if he is my half brother, then that would make me her half aunt.
He shared cM with him it making me believe that he’s not my Half brother. I’m really trying to figure this all out but I truly need some serious help!!