I could use some assistance understanding this funeral entry from 1695 Bödigheim. Generally between Google translate and my very very limited German, I can figure out enough of the entry to get the data I need. However, in this case, I'm having trouble figuring out the father, the daughter, or the daughter's age at death.
Who died here?
Transcription: den 21.t. Octobris Ist Obgesetzten Müller Töchterl. welches Sie vor 3. Vierth. jahren gezeuget nachgefolget Und den 22.t. huius zur Erden Christl. gebrauch gemäß bestättiget worden.
Google translation: the 21st. Octobris is the superior Müller's daughter. which you before the 3rd fourth. years conceived, followed and the 22nd. huius to the earth Christl. Use has been confirmed in accordance with.
I have all Müller births baptisms in Bödigheim prior to 1720 in my database; these are the ones born between 1690 and 1695: