transcript ....translation
image 1
Tag, Stunde der Geburt ................Day and hour of birth
Namen und Stand der Eltern .........Names and standing (occupation, class) of parents
Geschlecht und Namen der Kinder ......Gender and name of children
Wer getauft hat ..........Who performed the baptism
Tag der Taufe ..............Date of the baptism
d. 23t. Februar, Nachmittag um 3 Uhr .....the 23d of February, after noon about 3 o'clock
Heinrich Lauterbach Hslr. [Häusler] u. Schneider von hier. Anselma geb. Rasch aus Conradswalde |: geboren zu Camenz :| ....Henry Lauterbach, cottager? and tailor resident here. Anselma nee Rasch from Conradswalde (born in Camenz)
eheliche Tochter Anselma ...legitimate daughter Anselma
Pfarrer Roensdr. ...Pastor Roensdr. [abbreviation?]
d. 27t Februar ...the 27th of February
note below entry
Vät. [Väterliche] Großeltern ...paternal grandparents
illigitim. Barbara Lauterbach von hier ...illegitimate [ie no father]. Barbara Lauterbach from here
Mütterliche " [Großeltern ] ...maternal grandparents
Heinrich Rasch, Bildhauer zu Conradswalde, Elisabeth geb Galle aus Schwarzwasser .....Henry Rasch sculptor in Conradswalde, Elizabeth nee Galle from Schwarzwasser
image 2
der Taufpathe ...godparent
die Zeugen ...the Witnesses
Nummer der Tauflinge ...[sequential] number of those baptized
Männlich, ehelich, unehel. ...male, legitimate, illegitimate
Weiblich, ehelich, unehel. ...female, legitimate, illegitimate
Bemerkungen ....Comments
Transport ...Carryover [totals from previous page]
Adelheid des Franz Petsch bürgerlichen Hutmachers Ehewirthin aus Landeck. ...Adelheid, from Landeck, wife? of Frans Petsch, burgher (citizen and) hatmaker
Junggesell Joseph, des Ignatz Dittert Häusler u. Schuhmachers ehelicher Sohn von hier, dann Junggesell Julius des Franz Zoche Gastwirths ehelicher Sohn von hier u. Jungesell Joseph, des + Joseph Rücker gewesenen Bauers ehelich hinterlassener Sohn von hier. .....Bachelor Joseph, legitimate son of Ignatz Dittert cottager and shoemaker, from here, also bachelor Julius legitimate son of Franz Zoche, tavernkeeper, from here, and bachelor Joseph, legitimate son of deceased Joseph Rücker, former farmer, from here.
12 . . 1 . .........#12, 1 legitimate female
+16/11 64 ......died 16 Nov [18]64
Abbreviations are expanded between [], also some notes
A few English words are marked ? - may need alternative translations.