I have heard claims that people have traced their genealogy back to King David of the Old Testament. But I've also heard that most (if not all) have major gaps or assumptions in the lineage.
Is there any published genealogy that is properly sourced and considered to be effectively "proven" (in a professional genealogical sense) that traced one line back to a biblical character (any person) in the Old or New Testament?
Follow up:
Canadian Girl Scout's excellent answer made me look around for some Jewish lines back to the bible. And I may have found the one I had thought I heard of. Although not a Levite line as CGS suggested, there is a book: The Lurie Legacy by Neil Rosenstein that traces a notable family back through Rashi and Hillel to King David. I have not read it, so I can't comment on whether every step has been validated.
The author of that book is Dr. Neil Rosenstein, a distinguished genealogist. The web page includes some of Dr. Rosenstein's other books that may also go back to biblical times, including "A Rothschild Saga: From King David to Baron David".
Could these be examples of validated lineages back to a biblical character?
Follow up #2:
Today I discovered a blog post by Tammy Hepps from 2012 titled: These People Can Trace Themselves to Adam. She indicates some published genealogies that make 3 specific steps back to King David of the Bible.
Her post gives excellent sources to reference and links to many other sites that provide additional detail.
Follow up #3:
Paula Williams Madison was a Keynote speaker at RootsTech 2016. She claims to be connected to the Lowe family of China that has a documented lineage that goes back 3,000 years and 151 generations to 1006 BC. There is a documentary telling her story and she wrote a book about it as well.
I don't know if this line has been properly sourced or not, and it goes back into Chinese history, not biblical history. But it is worth mentioning here because this does go back sufficiently far to get to biblical times.