Or is it just a gap in the records?
My 3xgreat-grandmother, Sarah Rule, is shown in the 1851, 1871 and 1881 Censuses for England and Wales with ages that would indicate a date of birth around 1809–1811, and a place of birth as Hull, Yorkshire, England. (The 1861 Census seems to include a possible match, mispelt "Rull", so I'm not relying on it.) Likewise her death record on FreeBMD suggests a birth date in this range. I also have a marriage record for her marriage to William Henry Gale (see, eg this FamilySearch link) that is consistent with her stated place of birth.
But the only birth or christening record I can find in Yorkshire for a Sarah Rule in this time frame is this one, which is the right place, but about 8–10 years out, in 1801.
I know people sometimes lied about their age when they got married and then had to keep up the pretense, but how likely is it that a discrepancy that large would go unnoticed? Alternatively, is it possible the birth record has been mistranscribed?
Are there alternative sources of Yorkshire christening records that I might be able to search to find her?