your link gives some answer - you probably got som help elsewhere :-)
From the link:
Danish: Moderen finde 10/12 Aar for Nedkomsten hi Gaardhus Kane i Skalkendrup trinsedt 30 Mai fra Nyborg; kviddaret 4 Juni 1884 [???]
English: The mother find 10/12 years of confinement hi farmhouse Kane in Skalkendrup trinsedt 30 Mai from Nyborg; kviddaret June 4, 1884
maybe should be ->
Danish: Moderen tjente 10/12 Aar for Nedkomsten hos Gaardens Kone i Skalkendrup Anmeldt[?] 30 Mai fra Nyborg; Kvitteret 4 Juni 1884
English: The mother worked 10/12 years for the birth for the farms housewife in Skalkendrup. Declared 30 Mai from Nyborg; Acknowledged June 4, 1884
that is - if I can read/translate it correctly. The farmwife wanted compensation for taking care of Johanne and her child. Somehow the law/community was involved too - hence the formalties from the large city of Nyborg. Not sure...