I'm not aware of a language-independent documented algorithm for extracting data from a GEDCOM.
Existing Parsers
There are GEDCOM parsers for most programming languages, of varying vintage.
They mostly don't follow any documented process to extract data (other than what's in their source code!), they don't have any common output format, and they each have their own errors and omissions.
The inconsistencies are not (entirely) the fault of each parser, there are ambiguities in the specification(s), and many vendor-specific extensions.
Few parsers have much in the way of reporting (such as "list all places"), so to use them you need to understand GEDCOM at quite a low level.
For example, there is an online parser using the Java parser by Dallan Quass.
This turns GEDCOM into JSON, but doesn't add much intelligence to the output. For example a placename in the GEDCOM like:
2 FORM City, County, State, Country
is parsed as:
"tag": "PLAC",
"children": [
"tag": "FORM",
"value": "City, County, State, Country"
It's debatable whether that's any easier to deal with (but the parser does handle the CONT and CONC lines well). This parser is better documented that most, with a list of what real-world extensions to GEDCOM it uses.
I should also mention Tom Wetmore's Lifelines here. This venerable program from the early days of computerised genealogy appears to be capable of being scripted to extract information from GEDCOMs (possibly not the more recent ones) but has a steep learning curve (too steep for me!), basically a new language to learn.
Taking your request 2: "extract places":
This initially looks trivial - grep ' PLAC ' my.ged
would give you all PLAC lines. It would work for a large number of the GEDCOMs out there.
But as Louis Kessler points out, it's possible for the place to be described in a few other ways as well, by different software. Maybe there is a parser out there than can cope with all those options, but a comprehensive test suite would be the only way to find out, given the lack of documentation for most.
Sources are equally a mess, with a wide variety of alternative implementations that have to be considered in any parser. And most don't.
Understanding the varied GEDCOM formats is a hard problem that most of the simple parsers are not very good at.
The genealogy programs have more users so more reason to get it right. At present I would say that importing the GEDCOM into a program such as Gramps and using the reporting features there would be the simplest way to work around the problem. It won't produce perfect results all the time, but it's more likely to get it right than tackling the problem at a lower level.
You could take a pre-processor such as the Java parser from Dallan Quass mentioned above, and then with a new program (or ideally a webservice) add intelligence to the output with linkages, validation and reports. But that starts to look very much like yet another genealogy program.