I am posting here as I have no idea where to begin. And information that I have is limited and Im hoping that somebody can point me in the right direction.

My Great Uncle was a political prisoner interned for 11 years in the Dachau camp outside of Munich, Germany.

He was last heard of in Berlin.

Obviously, he would have passed by now but I would like very much to find any official records of his internment and his movements upon his release in 1945.

3 Answers 3


Your best place to start would be Steve Morse's Dachau record search, and see if you can find your Great Uncle.

Morse's Dachau intro page gives a good overview of the extent of Dachau records available. Also see Dachau Concentration Camp Records on JewishGen which provides additional information about the records available.

  • first link was simply, but asks for a id number of which we don't have…and he was a German communist so not sure if he would of had any tattoo of any number on his body either. but thank you so kindly for these directions.
    – user1186
    Commented Mar 20, 2014 at 2:28

The German Red Cross still maintains a WWII tracing service that would seem to apply to your case (my translation):

You're looking for relatives in relation to the second world war? For over 65 years, the DRK tracing service has been conducting investigations concerning POWs and civil prisoners, missing Wehrmacht soldiers, civilians abducted and children lost in the second world war.

  • Michael, this has already been covered on another thread and the service is not available at the moment.
    – Colin
    Commented Mar 15, 2014 at 8:04
  • It's a separate service from the ICRC one that is unavailable, but I will inquire whether they are also affected. Commented Mar 15, 2014 at 13:23
  • Update: the service operates independantly from the ICRC and is currently available. Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 8:29
  • Michael, thanks for the update, good news.
    – Colin
    Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 8:32

Camp records are free on Fold3. You need to sign up to view scans, but it's definitely worth a try. I found a Buchenwald card of a remote uncle there myself.

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