If you find the table format easier then it is obviously acceptable to you, and that is all that really matters.
Most of the GEDCOM programmes that I have come across have an option to export the data in a spreadsheet format. This means you can use view the data as a table if you so wish.
If you keep your primary tree information in spreadsheet form, you will find it becomes unwieldy as it grows. Spreadsheets are not designed to be repositories of data. Maintaining cross-references between individuals will become increasingly labour-intensive and error-prone.
If you wish to avoid the use of dedicated genealogy programmes, you would be better served using a simple database programme. For example Microsoft Access, or the database elements of Open Office or Libre Office. This has advantages including:
- The data fields stored are then completely under your control
- It is trivial to export the data as a table if that is what you want
- If you keep the GEDCOM field names then you can export in GEDCOM format
- Relationships are maintained easily
- You can keep all your notes and evidence within the database
But before you convert your records to a database, bear in mind that the dedicated GEDCOM genealogy programmes are likely to be easier to use.