Questions tagged [marriage-practices]

For questions about customs, traditions, and laws associated with marriage. Marriage is the social, legal or religious union of two individuals.

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18 votes
4 answers

What are Marriage Banns and how can I use them in my research?

There are three dates listed on my third great grandfather's 1825 Church of England Parish Register of marriages: Oct 23, Oct 30, and Nov 6 All Saints, Tower Hamlets, London, England Source ...
Lorraine W's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Finding records prior to 1838 for Malone, Franklin County, NY or St. Lawrence County, NY?

How or where does one find records prior to 1838 for Franklin & St. Lawrence County, NY? Hiram Wheeler Barlow (28 Sep 1820-27 Aug 1876) and his ancestry (parents). It is believed he was born ...
Jay Stone's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

To what extent would people in the 1800s travel to get married?

I have ancestors from Hull. I have found a marriage certificate that I think is theirs but that places their marriage in Leeds. How likely is it that they would travel all the way to Leeds to get ...
Katy Honour's user avatar