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What is the "household members" number in the New York birth index?

On Ancestry they have a search of the birth record index for New York City. One of the data fields is called "household members" and it has a long number. What does this mean? Here is an example:
Duncan McTavish's user avatar
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Seeking Birth Certificate for Emilie Yznaga in New York City around 1859-1864?

Does anyone have records of Birth Certificates for births in New York, NY between the years of 1855 and 1864? If so, would it be possible to locate a birth certificate for a relative named Emilie ...
Diana Yznaga Gomez's user avatar
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Finding New York City/State records relating to Sellars family (British subjects) births/deaths mid 19th century?

On advice of @efgen I split this question into two - one for New York and one for Panama, but left the same detail for both thinking the fact that Robert Sellars was in both geographic areas might ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Finding New York birth record from around 1804?

My 3rd great grandfather, Charles James Sanderson, was born around 1804 in New York according to the 1851 and 1861 England Census (and some other references I've been able to find). The earliest ...
Lorraine W's user avatar
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