I am looking for the birth and marriage record of her husband J Heinrich Salsow. He married Maria Sophia Dorathea Schröder in Germany, she was known as Sophia Shrader in the USA. Sophia's birth record is in Blankenhagen parish. The family moved, Sophia's youngest brother's birth record is in Volkenshagen parish. 

    Passenger List:
    Ship: Bark Elbe
    Hamburg, Germany to New York, New York
     1 October, 1860
     Joh Salsow       35  m  farmer  Germany  US [J Heinrich]
     Marie Salsow     29  f          Germany  US [née Schröder]
     Doretha Salsow    6m f          Germany  US

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

J Heinrick Salsow was born 8 Nov 1825 according to USA records.

Daughter Doretha Salsow would have been born about Apr 1860 (Oct 1860 minus 6 months)

The marriage of J Heinrick Salsow to Maria Sophia Dorathea Schröder would most likely been a year or two before the birth of the first child, so about 1858-1859.

I have looked in the following parishes on Archion.de: Blankenhagen, Blankenhagen Dänschenburg, Kessin, Volkenshagen, Cammin b. Laage, Bentwisch, Laage, Sanitz, Kavelstorf, Rövershagen. No luck.

According to another person's tree on Ancestry, this is J Heinrich Salsow's father's birth:
Wilheim Joackim Hinrich Peter Salsow
BIRTH 06 JAN 1798 • Hohen Schwarfs bei Dummerstorf; LK Rostock; M-V

Dummerstorf isn't close to Rostock, so this doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it will make sense to someone else.

Dummerstorf is in Kavelstorf parish, but I don't see this record, although the older records are very hard for me to read, I may have missed it.

The map has yellow pins where I have found ancestors and relatives.

[![enter image description here][2]][2]


I found the birth of daughter Dorethea. I should have looked for her first. But, I can't find her parents birth in the same parish. 

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/q9oNs.jpg
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/4aQK2.jpg
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/kuPLO.jpg