[Elias (Alexander) Jurkiewicz][1] was living in [Bilyi Kamin', Ukraine][2] when his first children were born. Family lore says Elias came from Russia and worked there as a shoemaker for the Czar (we haven't verified this by any means). I have found the baptismal records of many of his children and verified that the surname was spelled Jurkiewicz, such as in the [baptism of his daughter Katharine][3] (first on the page). Assuming that Elias really was from Russia, what are the chances that Jurkiewicz is the same surname and spelling he would've used in Russia? What are likely variations? [1]: https://familysearch.org/tree/#view=ancestor&person=LCXV-8BT [2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilyi_Kamin [3]: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-22578-250-18?cc=1910265&wc=M993-6LH:1871444476