Jacob Bennett was born in 1735 in Connecticut according to [AGBI][1] and [Barbour Collection][2]. My father's research showed Jacob married Zipporah but he did not cite his sources nor know Zipporah's maiden name. In searching (google, myheritiage.com, geni.com, ancestry.com, NEHGS,...) for more information on Zpporah I discovered other uncited references to Zipporah and some give her maiden name as Smith eg: > 40. JACOB5 BENNETT (ISSAC4, JOHN3, JOHN2, EDWARD1) was born 06 Oct 1735 in Preston, New London, CT, and died Bef. 1825. He married ZIPPORAH SMITH, daughter of SAMUEL SMITH. which I found [here][3]. Note there is some confusion possible when researching Jacob Bennett as he had a son with the same name and there was another Jacob Bennett born nearby only a few years apart who married into the descendants of William Brewter so is better documented in Mayflower Society research. My question is for any descendants of the Jacob Bennett born in 1735 if they have found any records of the marriage with Zipporah (maiden name, her vitals, place/date of the wedding, etc). [1]: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?ti=0&indiv=try&db=agbi&h=713851 [2]: http://sharing.ancestry.com/2037819?h=886368&e=ZHVuY2FuLnNwYXJyZWxsQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ== [3]: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/w/a/l/William-Walker-OK/GENE8-0010.html,%20in%20Genealogy.com.