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8 votes

Danish printed forms - alphabet?

This is Fraktur script, used in countries speaking Germanic languages (Germany : German; Denmark : Danish; mid-1800s Norway : Dano-Norwegian; etc.). In your case, the language looks like Danish or ...
shoover's user avatar
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6 votes

What tools can be used to translate handwritten Danish documents?

With the help of the links that were shared and Google Translate, I was able to translate the record as follows: Death Notice in Danish: Forhenværende husejer af Vennebjerg, Vennebjerg, sogn. Fodt i ...
Lloyd Marshall's user avatar
5 votes

Denmark marriage 1842, in German, has term "Vau. Attest" What does it mean?

I'm quite sure that the words in question mean "Vacc. Attest". I'm not aware of any other documents in that location and era that would make sense (there are not many words in German ...
jadepx's user avatar
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How can I find a female Danish immigrant's name prior to her marriage?

First, you need to know if she was married before or after immigration. Since you know the date of her second marriage in the US, you should look for US Census records around that time. My great ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
4 votes

What tools can be used to translate handwritten Danish documents?

This is a stub of an answer, but here are some resources that can help you get started. From the FamilySearch Research Wiki: Danish Genealogical Word List Denmark Record Finder (to find other ...
Jan Murphy's user avatar
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3 votes

Were 1700's Danish betrothals more likely to be of a couple that went through their confirmation ceremony together?

An age difference of at least a few years was definitely much more common. Statistics on this, applying to the second half of the 18th century, are found here. The numbers show, for instance, that ...
Segorian's user avatar
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Reading religion column in 1906 Denmark Census image?

According to, the (Lutheran) state religion of Denmark is known as the Dansk Folkekirke. It looks like the religion column for all the heads of household ...
aem's user avatar
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What was the standard for requiring an absolution in 1700's Denmark?

According to the law that applied in Denmark at the time, people who had a child out of wedlock made themselves liable to a (very considerable) fine, and to confessing their sin in church, in the ...
Segorian's user avatar
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Reading place-names in 1906 Denmark Census image?

Johan is born in Korsør, Thora in Vallø By, Karen & Kai in Kjøbenh.(-avn) = Copenhagen, Per in Hellerup (and Yelva in Aarhus).
meide's user avatar
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2 votes

Reading occupation in 1906 Denmark Census image?

Yelva is a Husjomfru (house-maid), i.e. a female servant in a "more familiarly position" according to ODS.
meide's user avatar
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Were 1700's Danish betrothals more likely to be of a couple that went through their confirmation ceremony together?

Another reason could be that during this period there was the Stavnsbånd, where young men were required to ask for the permission of the noble that owned the area to leave their place of birth. https:/...
johnh503's user avatar
1 vote

Can anyone assist me to read he details of the number 7 birth record of Howes?

Here's what I can read: No. 7 2 March 1855 Sch.kl[?].mester William Howes og hustru Ellin Howse, 23 Aar? ved Jernbanen ved Korsber Bortvagit? efter H...s dag til England d. 17. Marts, uden har? .. .. ...
jadepx's user avatar
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Can anyone assist me to read the details of the number 102 birth record of William Howes (Villiam Hoves )?

This is What I Got: Name: William Howes Birth Date: Oct 17 1858 Relatives: William Howes,?, ?, Janette Yerl Morig
PaulGamerBoy360's user avatar
1 vote

What was the standard for requiring an absolution in 1700's Denmark?

I have found an absolution in the Communion Records of Skt Olai in Helsingor in 1716.
Margaret George's user avatar

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