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8 votes

Can DNA matches be wrong

Errors of this magnitude are possible but very very rare. I'm sorry I don't have the documentation but there was discussion on at least one of the lists/groups for genetic genealogy about a case ...
Cyn's user avatar
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7 votes

Is a half-sibling match on AncestryDNA reliable, or is more testing needed?

The result should be reliable in that it shows a close relationship. As shown on the Autosomal DNA statistics page on the ISOGG Wiki, the relationship is almost certainly one of these: one of you is ...
RobertShaw's user avatar
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6 votes

Is a half-sibling match on AncestryDNA reliable, or is more testing needed?

Just a note that you should not automatically jump to the conclusion that you and your probably-half-sibling must share a father instead of a mother; young unmarried pregnant women were often ...
Asparagirl's user avatar
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5 votes

Is AncestryDNA match of 2,063 cM a half sibling?

The Shared cM Project 3.0 tool v4 suggests these possible relationships for 2,063 centimorgans: I think the age difference of just a few years between you and this person lets us rule out grandparent ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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4 votes

Is a half-sibling match on AncestryDNA reliable, or is more testing needed?

I had a similar situation with DNA suggesting a half sibling. When looking at shared matches, my half sibling and I shared the same relatives On both of my father’s parents side. No doubt he is my ...
R Bell's user avatar
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3 votes

Can DNA matches be wrong

Adding another answer in order to address two new additions to the original question, each of which could be questions on their own. 1) The Biogene test is not the same test as we use for genetic ...
Cyn's user avatar
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3 votes

Full sibling vs half sibling

DNAPainter supports your conclusion of "not full siblings". However, unless there's more here than you have told us, I think you're running ahead of the data with "three of us may have ...
Marshall Clow's user avatar
3 votes

Distinguishing half sibling, uncle or half nephew using Ancestry DNA?

According to Blaine Bettinger's Shared cm Project - Version 3.0: Cluster #2 is: Half Sibling, Aunt/Uncle/Niece/Nephew and Grandparent/Grandchild Cluster #3 is: 1st Cousin, Half Aunt/Uncle/Niece/...
lkessler's user avatar
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3 votes

Assessing likelihood of incest using AncestryDNA results

Yes, it's at least possible to make this determination, although AncestryDNA by itself is probably not sufficient. Your sister inherits 50% of her DNA from her mother, and on average half of that (25%...
cleaverkin's user avatar
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2 votes

Can DNA matches be wrong

DNA is not something one can do easy-peasy relationship labels with, especially when it comes to conflicting stories. The Match List will give you the 'norm' label for that DNA range. And it is a ...
user10321's user avatar
2 votes

Are 1,053 shared cM likely to be a cousin or a half sibling?

Possible relationships According to the Shared cM Project, a woman with 1053 shared cM could be your: First cousin (553-1225) Half aunt/niece (500-1446) Great aunt/niece (251-2108) I have left out ...
Ellen Spertus's user avatar
2 votes

Half Siblings and DNA Matching

You can make a reasonable assessment of whether your match could be on your maternal side by consulting the Shared cM Project tool (link here). If you plug in 475 for the number of cM you match, you'...
RobertShaw's user avatar
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2 votes

Evaluating half sibling using AncestryDNA?

Assuming that this suspected half sibling is of the same generation as you (which his age suggests), and because the shared cM for each of you and your full siblings with him falls "within" the range ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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2 votes

Can 1,782 cM shared indicate Half Siblings?

DNAPainter suggests several possible relationships for 1782cm shared DNA. I suspect that some of them you can rule out immediately (grandparent, for example). But yes, half-sibling is one of the ...
Marshall Clow's user avatar
2 votes

Determining if half brother was product of incest

If your brother is the child of your grandfather and your aunt then your niece will not have any DNA matches to your mother's family. If you and your niece have close shared matches to your mother's ...
Bill's user avatar
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2 votes

1760 cM half sibling or double cousin

OK, so am I understanding it correctly that you have the following set of relationships: ?1 --- A --- B | | C --- D E --- ?2 | | F G where F is you, and G ...
JPmiaou's user avatar
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Half brother Or someone else?

DNA Painter thinks that the probability of 1449 cM being a half-uncle/aunt relationship is only 5.5%. It's much more likely that he's her full uncle, meaning the following diagram accounts for all of ...
JPmiaou's user avatar
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Does DNA match of 1,781 cM suggest half siblings?

Another task for DNAPainter It says possible relationships are: Grandparent Aunt / Uncle Half Sibling Niece / Nephew Grandchild I'm guessing that you can rule out some/most of these. Half-sister is ...
Marshall Clow's user avatar
2 votes

Understanding DNA match of 1,723 cM

Given the 1723 cM number, I'm interpreting "his father is one of a twin" as "his father and my father are identical twins". This means that genetically, you and your first cousin ...
JPmiaou's user avatar
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Making sense of low DNA match for half-siblings

Males and females do inherit DNA differently from their fathers, but not in a way that affects the autosomal tests that are used for the comparisons. The difference is in the inheritance of an X or Y ...
RobertShaw's user avatar
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1 vote

DNA half-sibling

If your brother has a different biological father than you, then the new match would most likely match with your brother's bio-dad, and no reason they would match your maternal side. You might want to ...
cleaverkin's user avatar
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Do father and mother pass on same DNA to half siblings?

If I understand your correctly, "father K" is your biological father and not the biological father of your B, J and M half-siblings. It is possible that your biological relation to your half-siblings ...
Castedo's user avatar
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Understanding 1,537cM match to person and 1,950cM match to their uncle

The Shared cM Project 3.0 tool v4 suggests for 1,537 cM that the relationship has these probabilities (based on stats from The DNA Geek): 100.00% Grandparent Aunt / Uncle Half Sibling Niece / ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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1 vote

Could DNA matches of 1,591 and 1,773 cM be half siblings of person tested?

Yes. DNA Matches of 1,591cM and 1,773cM indicate half siblings as being a possible relationship. On the strength of those matches the two people could also have one of these relationships to the ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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1 vote

Half Siblings and DNA Matching

As half siblings on your mother's side, you and your half sibling will share approximately half of your mother's chromosomes and none of your father's (assuming your sibling is not related to him in ...
lkessler's user avatar
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Does sharing 1,249cM indicate half sibling?

I think you have two questions in one. First, you need to learn the way half-siblings match work. If the shared DNA strongly shows a possible positive result, there you have the response. Check this ...
onpre's user avatar
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1 vote

Does 1,864 centimorgans indicate half-siblings?

The Shared cM Project 3.0 tool v4 for 1,864cm suggests that by far the most likely options are: Grandparent / Grandchild Aunt / Uncle / Niece / Nephew Half Sibling with near zero probability for:...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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