I have spent a considerable amount of time creating family trees on Ancestry.com, and documenting them with records found on Ancestry, FamilySearch, and in other web and non-web sources. For a variety of reasons, wound up with more than one tree for the same family (one tree focusing on my mother-in-law's family, and one on my father-in-law's).
In both trees I document not just the immediate descendants, but essentially anyone on whom I can get good evidence, so one of the trees is more like a little forest of inter-married families.
In retrospect, I am wondering if this compartmentalization is a good thing. Would it be better to have a single tree for everyone (containing over 1000 individuals), or separate trees for logical family groupings? What are some less-obvious tradeoffs?
If the answer is to have multiple trees, what is best practice for connecting them, making it easy to jump from one to the next?
How are these decisions different if (as is the case in my trees) there is inter-marriage between families at different generations, creating multiple paths between two family groups/trees?