I am trying to find out where my granddad is buried. He was a Corporal with the Lancashire Fusiliers serving in the second World War.


1 Answer 1


A search of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission grave locator for service members from WW2 who served with the Lancashire Fusiliers with a rank of Corporal yields 103 records. If your granddad is in the database, having his military service number would help you distinguish his entry from another service member with the same name.

Do you have any records in your family that say what battalion he might have served with? Another thing you could try is to search for general information about the Lancashire Fusiliers during WW2, and then look for casualty lists for that battalion.

Another option is to contact The Fusilier Museum in Bury for research help. Their site says:

Please note there is a £25 charge for this service.

According to their site, the list of information they have includes:

  • Casualty lists for the Crimean War, Indian Mutiny, Sudanese War, Boer War, WWI, WWII
  • All soldiers killed in action (from any regiment)
  • All campaigns and burial sites of all WWI and WWII soldiers of the regiment

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