When I do not need or wish to obtain a death certificate, I have often used the National Probate Calendar for England & Wales as my main source for death date and place information (in conjunction, of course, with the GRO index).
I have noticed that the inclusion of a death place in the NPC is somewhat variable, and up until 1967 a note along the following lines is included at the beginning of each volume:
This would imply that any instances where the place of death is not included in the index, one can assume that the individual died at their place of residence. However, I have one or two cases where I have reason to doubt this is always true - for example, a case where a death was registered in a district different to the district of residence (yet no death place noted in the NPC).
Therefore, my questions are:
- Is it reasonable to assume in cases where no place of death is specified that the place of death was indeed the place of residence?
- What is the original source data for the information appearing in the National Probate Calendar? Would the death certificate always have been consulted?