I recently received results from a Y-DNA test between my uncle and a cousin. They are 4th cousins, 1x removed. I would expect them to match very closely as Y-DNA does not change much, however, at 12 markers they differ by 1 step, at 25 markers there are 3 step differences and they drop off as a match at this level in Family Tree DNA. By 36 markers there are 5 differences.
Does this seem a bit odd?
I was expecting the match to be much closer between 4th cousins.
I just checked, and most appear to be multi-copy markers, which maybe would account for it? The differences occur at DYS385 (the first number), DYS459 (the first number), DYS464 (the first number), CDY (both numbers). But I would think FTDNA would take that into account, and uncle/cousin aren't showing as a match beyond 12 markers.