I found about 400 old family photographs in a box, most of the displayed relatives can't be identified. I created a spreadsheet where every image will get a line, I’ll add the studio then, the size, the approx. year, the paper that was used, the place of creation, captions, clues and names given to me by other relatives. This will help me to bring images together where I see no link so far (by sorting the columns).
Before I can do this, I want to number the images. Writing on the back wouldn’t work in all cases, because the backsides are partly black (or artworks themselves). I thought about putting adhesive paper dots with numbers written on them on the backs.
How would you make individual images identifiable and sortable for my workflow described above? What is your solution of choice? Do you put every image in a plastic sleeves that is labeled?
Thank you for your answers.