Per Google Translate "Spitzenahnen" is "Patriarch".
So for example:
Spitzenahnen sind die jeweils ältesten Vorfahren in einer Ahnenreihe, zu denen Daten für die Eltern fehlen. Ein Familienforscher, der seine Vorfahren einschließlich der Ururgroßeltern vollständig (aber auch nicht darüber hinaus) erfasst hat, hat danach 16 Spitzenahnen.
This program says it is available for Mac:
Patriarch (Definition): "Patriarch is the oldest ancestors in an ancestral line to which missing data for the parents. A family researcher, his ancestors, including the great-great grandparents in whole (but not beyond) has collected, then has 16 Patriarch. "(GenWiki)
So you are looking for a Patriarch List in your other post.
This program (Familienbande) in German says it is available for Mac, Linux, and PC and specifically lists as one of its features.
Patriarch: template generates a table of all ancestors of a starting person with no known parents.