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Searching for "Unknown father" of a child born to an unmarried mother in Poland

I've been helping a friend to research his Polish ancestors and we have a lingering mystery to solve. Friend's grandmother, Lillian, was born in 1902 in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region of Poland (German ...
Cristina's user avatar
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What are some possible reasons that a father's name is missing from a birth certificate - England?

I posted a previous question about my great-grandmother before but I ordered her birth certificate from the New GRO index However, ...
user1261710's user avatar
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Verifying illegitimacy of 1911 German birth?

In trying to trace my grandfather's immigration I have discovered that my grandmother (his wife) bears the same surname as her mother. She was born in 1911, but I can't find her birth record at the ...
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