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Questions tagged [korea]

The traditional country of Korea on the Asian Korean peninsula; including the 20th and 21st Century North and South Korea.

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2 answers

Finding Korean War-Baby Brother using GEDmatch?

My dad got a lady pregnant in Korea while he was in the war. When he got back, he tried to move her here but was unable to. He lost touch with her. For years, I have tried to find him but there was no ...
Victoria5653's user avatar
4 votes
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Working on Korean Family History without speaking fluent Korean?

I want to work on my Korean ancestry on my mother's side, but have encountered two obstacles. The first is that I don't speak or read Korean and the second is that I can't find any records or ...
qbush's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Korean book listing family history for 5000 years - is this particular to a specific culture in Korea?

My manager told me today that her husband has a friend who is from Korea (I did not ask but I assume this is South Korea). She said that because that friend is the father's oldest son, the father ...
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