Somehow years ago I generated a report (a text file) that listed every person in a Personal Ancestral File (PAF v5) or GEDCOM file by their generation. I only had PAF to work with (and was also playing with a network analyser called Pajek), but I can't find such an option in PAF. How would I have done it?
I've attached here a screenshot of the old file, opened in Notepad, so you can see what information had been generated. The second column (of single-digit numbers) are generation numbers, going from the youngest generation as 1 to oldest generation as 11 (in this dataset). The *.rep file extension might be a clue as to what generated it.
This is not my family tree, it is from anthropological research. So I am not interested in solutions that report on my personal kindred - I'm not in the dataset. In fact, although the names in the dataset are all linked, they belong to multiple descent lines, so any kindred-based solution (e.g. "tell me about all of Mary's ancestors") will not work. Somehow I had stumbled upon a report-generator that took all 671 names in the dataset and returned their generational ranking. What might I have used way back all those years ago? What might I use now (preferably without buying anything)?