I found a newspaper article for my 5x great grandfather, and was hoping someone could help provide some context. The article is from the 15 December 1790 issue of the Carlisle Gazette, in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The article reads:
Three Pounds Reward
Strayed or stolen from the subscriber living in Berlin town, Glade, Bedford County, about the 8th of July last, a dapple dun MARE, with a ball face, white mane and tail, four years old last spring, a natural trotter, branded, thus, O, [op], the near shoulder and buttock, supposed if stolen she is taken to York County. Whoever takes up said Mare and brings her to the owner shall have the above reward and reasonable charged paid, by me.
Christian Rice
November 24, 1790
If his mare was stolen, why would he presume she was taken to York County, PA?
It struck me as a bit odd, and made me wonder if perhaps he thought he knew who took her, and that person was from York Co., or if there was something like a horse thief ring that took horses to York to sell.