Would like to learn the military service for German Jewish soldier, Caro W. Naphtali, of the Imperial German Infantry 124th Regiment?
3Please see my answer on genealogy.stackexchange.com/questions/3915/… on how to research WWI military personnel from Germany. Could you please give some additional information (place and date of birth), maybe I can help you a little more then.– lejonetCommented May 10, 2016 at 11:16
1 Answer
Please see my answer on How to find information on German soldiers from World War I and World War II? for general research strategies.
I did not find Caro Naphtali in the Verlustlisten, so – if the spelling is correct – I assume he did not die during the war and wasn’t injured or taken prisoner.
There is secondary literature available for the unit, which should give a general idea on battle participations e.g.: Wolters, Gerhard: Das Infanterie-Regiment König Wilhelm I. (6. württ.) No. 124 im Weltkrieg 1914-1918" - Stuttgart, C. Belsersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1921 (online)
The regiment was from Wurttemberg and belonged to the XIIIth army corps. The musterrolls are available via the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart (details: https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/olf/struktur.php?bestand=6101&klassi=001&anzeigeKlassi=001.002). Contact them for a reproduction of Mr Naphtali’s entry.