In the 1990's, Ted Wildy of New Zealand created an index of marriage witnesses, which had contributions of the names of the witnesses of many marriages in the UK (as well as Australia and New Zealand).
After his death in 1997, much of it was lost. Early fragments of it exist, and a UK site said they were going to put a later version online in 2009, but I don't think anything came of that.
So, this is a two part question. Does the final Ted Wildy UK marriage witness index exist online in any form? It was a lot of data for the time, a tiny amount for now, but it would still be nice to see it live on.
Secondly, and more importantly, is anybody doing anything similar now with the much larger amount of data currently available? For example, parish records for selected counties in England are now on Ancestry and FindMyPast. There could be a project to transcribe the marriage witnesses. Does any such project exist? Any other index based on perhaps FreeReg, or from GRO certificates?
Marriage witnesses can be very useful to help identify the bride or the groom, as they are often connected to them in some way, such as being a brother or sister, or come from the same small village. With an index, it's possible to find more "known associates" of a named person as they become a witness for relatives or workmates, and build a more complete picture of their life.