I recently discovered the Swiss Church / Kirchenbücher book collections, and though you can locate them on FamilySearch, you have to view them in a LDS Family History center or library. This creates some additional constraints to me reading and going through them (see below).
For context, the specific church books I am wanting to view are listed on the state archives webpage of the canton of Bern as well as in this breakdown of them. This document (in German) also has some examples of what the books themselves look like, and look like they would be some effort to go through. I also know I can order scans of each of the book sets by community on CD, but they are several hundred dollars per CD from Pikton Press, and I lack commercial grade OCR software that I think could both read the hand writing and the German.
Luckily there has been at least one hand written index of them, but I am having a hard time reading them at the library as they do not line up to the reference documents on Family Search. I am hoping to still extract some value by looking for dates and names, but am not following the format completely of the middle column specifically. I know they are organized in chronological (date) order. (Note I do not speak German either and each images can take well over a minute to load at my local FHL).
I have been unable to find any typed version of these indexes.
My specific question is: what are the column headers AND what is the date that doesn't have a column header but seems to be consistently present under most records?
As a bonus if there is anything else that seems consistent about the records I would appreciate knowing that as well.
This particular example is from a Toten or Burial record index.
There are Toten (Burial), Taufen (Baptismal), and Verkündungs (Pronouncement/Proclamations???) Indexes.
Link to Family Search Burial Template as an example from one of their guides for the above example record which doesn't align.