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Questions tagged [kinship-terminology]

For questions about naming relationships between two people.

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Someone is both my 1st and 2nd cousin, is there a name for that, or do you pick the closest level of relationship (1st cousin)? [duplicate]

Dora is my grandaunt's (maternal grandmother's sister's) daughter, which makes her my 1st Cousin 1x removed. Therefore Dora's children would be my 2nd cousins. However, my paternal Uncle William ...
Tyler N's user avatar
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What qualifies as next-of-kin for a US SF-180, Request Pertaining to Military Records?

The SF 180 seems to conflict itself on what qualifies as next-of-kin. The instructions, lacking "grandchild", state this: However, the fillable form has a drop-down field for next-of-kin, ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
3 votes
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What relation could godson be, and brothers of another surname?

In this entries on page 20 of Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1647-1800: HIGGINS, Roger: Leg. mother Mary Lupo; at the death of mother my cattle at Edward Millers and ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Determining relationship to spouse when own great grandmother is also 5th cousin 2 times removed of spouse?

My great grandmother is also my husbands 5th cousin 2 times removed. How are my husband and I related other than spouse?
Amanda's user avatar
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Step- relation help [duplicate]

How does the father of my step-father relate to my daughter from her point of view? I'm leaning toward great-grand-step-father, but I'm not sure.
gregsdennis's user avatar
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Relationship terminology after death of a relative [duplicate]

Please can someone tell me, when a married woman dies, would her widower still be called the son in law of his late wife's parents? If so, would that title continue to apply if he remarried? He might ...
Gina's user avatar
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Situation of step siblings and not half siblings; Am I correct? [duplicate]

From a fiction story At the age of 40, Mr. Scottsdale, an Agricultural Manager, divorced his wife of 39 years old. She got the custody of their daughter. At fault, he surrendered to her their ...
Gwendolin Herzog's user avatar
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First cousins relative to the cousin [duplicate]

Can someone please help. I'm wondering that if there are two people A and B, such that A' s grandparent is B's great grandparent. Is it the case that B is A's first cousin once removed and A is B's ...
Slicc's user avatar
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What is my relationship to a cousin who's 5th Great Grandparents are my 12th Great Grandparents? [duplicate]

This person I am referring to is Martha Wayles who was born in 1748 and died in 1782. I've been trying to wrap my brain around the x cousin x times removed thing but it is still confusing me. The ...
ZackariasBishop's user avatar
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What do I call my half brothers brother? [duplicate]

Me and my brother have the same mother and he has another brother by his dad. Am I related to him? What would I call him?
Sherell Dixon's user avatar
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What is the relationship name of the brother of my 1st Cousin's Spouse to me? [duplicate]

In Italy I grew up calling many people simply cousins or uncles and I have called my 1st Cousin's Spouse's brother (1) a cousin all along. I am just curious to know whether according to normal family ...
Fiztban's user avatar
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What do you call folks that are third cousins two different ways?

I've come across two third cousins, who are third cousins through two different routes as the same two families had two separate marriages between them that leads to this situation. I was thinking ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Seeking Notation for common ancestors across different family branches?

You have first cousins, second cousins, cousins thrice removed that share a common ancestor through one family line. You can even be a first cousin, as well as a second cousin, to the same person ...
EveryBitHelps's user avatar
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Determining relationship to President Jefferson? [duplicate]

I am a little confused with determining the relationship status here: My 4th Great Grandfather was the brother of Mary Branch. Mary is the Great Grandmother of Thomas Jefferson so the line is this: ...
teresab's user avatar
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Describing the relationship between children when widower marries dead wife's sister

What is an unambiguous way to describe the resulting relationships when a widower with a child marries his deceased wife's sister and has children with her? Not the stepmother-aunt stuff for the ...
Hengest's user avatar
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Relationship of Niece's Daughter of my blood related Aunt's Husband [closed]

What is our relationship? John is my Uncle (non blood) married to my aunt Barbera (blood). Ashley was my Uncle John's niece (blood) Ashley died a few months ago leaving behind a little girl, last ...
Chris's user avatar
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How are people who descend from same person related? [duplicate]

I am a descendant of President John Adams through his daughter, Rebecca. My children's father is a descendant of John Adams through his son, John Quincy. How are we related? Are we cousins? With a ...
user4296's user avatar
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What is relationship of widower to late wife's family (i.e. in-laws)?

I am a widower. I still have a strong personal relationship with my late wife's family, and I regard them as part of my own family. They are blood of my blood in the sense that my children are ...
eddie's user avatar
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What does 1851 UK Census "Relation to Head of Family" entry that looks like "Depen" mean?

I've run across a curious designation in the "Relation to Head of Family" column of the 1851 Census that I'd like some help figuring out. Following the entries for the parents and their children who ...
cheap's user avatar
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Were nephews and nieces sometimes referred to as cousins in 18th century Cornish wills?

I have copied a sizable chunk from The Will of William Bond [Clothier in Ladock, Cornwall], dated 7 April 1747, below, and would like to draw your attention to the parts that I have highlighted in ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Seeking English term for relationship between two members of extended family?

Here at the Genealogy and Family History Stack Exchange we see many questions about relationship mapping which is also known as: relationship calculation kinship terminology etc If you are just ...
1 vote
2 answers

What is sibling of son-in-law or daughter-in-law called? [duplicate]

Is there a term for the sibling of ones son-in-law or daughter-in-law? Real-life example: The composer Dohnanyi had a son who married a sister of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. So Dohnanyi was the father of ...
Ch Sm's user avatar
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Familial Terminology in Colonial America

Recently I posted a question about my ancestor John White. In order to find out a little more about him, I read some of the descriptions of him more carefully and came across the following quote (from ...
DaveBlackston's user avatar
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Half brother, step brother, or no term [duplicate]

I was married before and had 3 children. My wife and I got divorced and have since remarried other people. My new wife and I had a son together and my ex wife and her new husband had a son. These ...
Patrick Jackson's user avatar
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Am I related to this family?

I have a puzzling genealogical question, but first you must be prefaced. My family tree contains two half-siblings. (Google "half-sibling family tree" to see what I mean.) Now my half siblings and I ...
user1405's user avatar
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Is there a resource for easily determining relationships between two relatives? [duplicate]

In the English language, there are many words for relationships between two relatives. For instance, my father's brother is my "uncle", the daughter of my father's brother is my "first cousin", the ...
EddieN120's user avatar
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Determining name for family relationship that involves a step daughter? [duplicate]

My grandma had 3 kids. Her daughter Sally is my Aunt. She has a step daughter. Her step daughter has a daughter. My Aunt Sally is her Grandmother. What does that make us?
Robert's user avatar
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Seeking term for step-grandmother's brother [duplicate]

I'm trying to wrap my head around this, but I have no clue what's right. Maybe it would just be classified as "no relation", but that seems wrong to me. The situation is that you have a grandfather, ...
asteri's user avatar
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What is a brother-in-law? [duplicate]

If someone calls me brother-in-law , what are they to me? A girl called me brother-in-law , what is she to me? A girl who calls me brother-in-law , what should I call her?
Subin's user avatar
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What is my relationship to the spouse of my cousin?

If my cousin gets married am I now related to his new wife's immediate family. Would I be related to his new wife's brother or sister?
Kent's user avatar
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Term for cousins whose parents were related by marriage?

My father and his brother married two girls who were first cousins to each other. I know that the children from these marriages are not 'double' cousins, but they are genetically closer than simple ...
Bob's user avatar
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What is the relationship name of my (brother/sister)-in-law's (brother/sister) to me? [duplicate]

For example: I have a sister named Charlotte Martin has a brother named William Charlotte is married to Martin Martin is my brother-in-law, but what is William to me? I originally posted this ...
somehume's user avatar
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What is the correct word for Step siblings?

I've asked this here but its too old to migrate so I'm asking again. I'm creating a list of family members: Mother: Jane Father: John Children -------- Biological, Justin, 5/20/1981 Biological, ...
Justin808's user avatar
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Determining relationship (e.g. number of removes) with cousin?

How do I figure out if someone is a first cousin, second cousin, cousin once-removed, etc?
Jeni's user avatar
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With generations of multiple marriages and step children, how is this family relationship described? [duplicate]

I'm not sure is this is the right SE to ask but I'll ask non the less. I'm trying to define a family relationship. I think the person is my step step first cousin once removed. My my Grand-Father is ...
Justin808's user avatar
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