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Questions tagged [mitochondrial-dna]

For questions about mitochondrial DNA (abbreviated mtDNA) testing for genealogical purposes. mtDNA is passed from mother to child, and therefore is useful for tracing maternal ancestry.

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Using Y-DNA and mtDNA from an ancestry file DNA results for me and my wife apparently contain Y-chromosome data and mitochondrial data.  How can we use that to find patrilineal and matrilineal matches on sites like FTDNA and ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Adopted first cousin - is her parent my aunt or my uncle?

I have a first cousin who was adopted at birth. My mom had two brothers and a sister. The adoption records are sealed and cannot be viewed due to Florida state law (1969). Is it possible to determine ...
Brian's user avatar
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My sons DNA show who my possible father is. Paternal side

My biological father could be my step grandfather. He is dead and so are all his siblings. Would my sons DNA show my paternal side? I am a woman.
Lisa Ann's user avatar
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Is a new DNA sample required for paternal haplotype or maternal mitochondria analysis

A year ago I sent in a DNA sample to Ancestry for autosomal analysis. I have the RAW DNA data file. Can that data be used with 23&me or another testing company to have mitochondria and paternal ...
Will Carson's user avatar
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My Full DNA: Whole Genome Sequencing with mtDNA from dante labs

I have done 23andme. And I see there is a 23andme tag and an tag. I have just come across an ad from Dante Labs for "My Full DNA: Whole Genome Sequencing with mtDNA." While I have a PhD ...
SEID Sufferer's user avatar
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Different genetic relation strength through maternal vs paternal line?

Is there a different genetic relation strength through maternal vs paternal line? In other words: am I more related to my mother than to my father or are they exactly equal? Or another way to ask it ...
PWD's user avatar
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Seeking the mtDNA raw data or actual results for the Windover Bog Site Mummies

The DNA indicated Asian origin and a rare haplogroup, X. Windover Pond is one of a number of sites in Florida excavated since 1970 that have led to a major reassessment of the Archaic period in ...
Bread's user avatar
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mtDNA Match Discrepancy

At Family Tree DNA, I did the mtFull Sequence test. I have 1,000 matches that include 284 exact matches at GD 0 for my haplogroup K1a1b1a which is a common haplogroup for Ashkenazi. My Uncle (on my ...
lkessler's user avatar
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Does my mother need an mtDNA test?

I had an mtDNA test done (specifically, mtFull Sequence from FTDNA), and want to spend the extra money for her test only if it would create more value than buying a few autosomal tests for other ...
RonJohn's user avatar
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Understanding DNA test results for aunt

My maternal aunt sent me her mtDNA test results. How can I relate this to my own ancestry? If her mtDNA falls 15% within a certain country, what percent of my DNA would also fit there?
MutluAnne's user avatar
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Maternal or paternal connection?

23 and me said I was a match on my maternal side to a 1/2 brother - we were both adopted to different families and are trying to find out which side we've matched from. I'm U5b2a2 and he is X2c1 - ...
Katie's user avatar
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Is there value in doing an mtDNA for a first cousin once removed?

I've already got a full mtDNA test taken on Family Tree DNA for a maternal line. I have a first cousin, once removed (removed on my side), is there any significant value in getting her to take an ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Mitosearch Data Entry

I'm entering my uncle's mtDNA results from FamilyTreeDNA into mitosearch. But I ran into two problems that their help doesn't seem to answer. Problem 1: FamilyTreeDNA provides differences from two ...
lkessler's user avatar
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Finding others with H2a1 maternal DNA?

I only have distance 3 on FTDNA matches. I am not sure if I understand FTDNA correctly, but the time frame for their identification of the mtDNA is approx 1000 CE. The majority of the matches are in ...
adams's user avatar
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Which Golden Thread Matrilineal "Clan" maps to my mtDNA haplogroup?

I understand the 'seven daughters of Eve' is now up to 36 clans per a 'golden thread' figure in a recent issue (Fall 2016) of American Ancestors. Do the names map to haplogroups? My mtDNA haplogroup ...
Duncan's user avatar
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What does R nucleotide mean for mtDNA result?

I have a mtDNA (mtFull Sequence) test result on FamilyTreeDNA that shows Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS), and at Position 9053 the CRS shows G and my result is R. I thought DNA was either ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Why do I get a better match on mitoSearch than FamilyTreeDNA?

For my cousin's mtDNA test (C52RJ) on FamilyTreeDNA, my closest matches are all 2 mutations away, I exported to mitoSearch, and there I find an exact match with TXANE, and the match shows as coming ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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How far back is a mtDNA match of genetic distance 2 likely to be?

On FamilyTreeDNA, for haplogroup H1, my closest matches are all genetic distance of 2 for HVR1, HVR2, CODING REGIONS. I don't see any tool to predict the number of generations like we have for yDNA ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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My Father passed away - next test(s) on what remains of his DNA sample?

I posted this general question over at the forum on FamilyTreeDNA. Though I received a reply, there is still no answer to my question, so I thought I'd try my luck at posting here. Anyhow, in early ...
user4707's user avatar
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Why doesn't the haplogroup K2b2 appear on

I have a mtDNA test for my mom at and the results list her Haplogroup as being K2b2, however, when I go to publish a entry, the available Haplogroup does ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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Are there mtDNA societies like there are surname societies for Y-DNA?

Males get their Y-DNA from their father and both males and females get their mtDNA from their mother. Because surnames generally follow the Y-DNA, groups of individuals with the same Y-DNA can find ...
Duncan's user avatar
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