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Colin's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
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  • UK
4 votes

Creating and improving family tree online with help from relatives?

4 votes

What are the main free, online content providers for genealogical data?

4 votes

Publishing family tree online?

3 votes

What is the Russian town in this census listing?

3 votes

How to do research using local resources remotely?

3 votes

Software that will print everybody related and unrelated -- what should I look for?

3 votes

What GEDCOM tag is used for overseas travel?

3 votes

What source detail should I include for a digital book?

3 votes

How can I archive emails and web pages in an easy fashion?

3 votes

Conflict between Kent Online Parish Records and database - which to believe?

3 votes

Locating an elusive UK birth record (Mary Ann Harper born circa 1865 possibly Dudley, England)?

3 votes

Application to create a Google Map of ancestors?

3 votes

Did glaziers rescue medieval stained glass in World War II?

3 votes

Source data that establishes the link between two "brothers"?

3 votes

US Federal Census citation details and citation text using FTM for Mac

3 votes

Decipher Writing (Philadelphia Street Address)

3 votes

Digitizing old self adhesive photo albums

3 votes

Are there any Genealogical / Historical Photo Request Communities?

3 votes

Looking for 1901 birth/baptismal certificate in Poland?

3 votes

Looking for 1901 birth/baptismal certificate in Poland?

3 votes

Is there software to display who lived at a certain time and place?

3 votes

Organizing Research: brief subscriptions or research trips

3 votes

Huguenot lineage from Flanders creates a brick wall

3 votes

Interpreting 29 Feb 1797 (non-leap year) for baptism of Thomas Hitchcox in Lapley, Staffordshire, England?

3 votes

Finding parents of Doris Reardon, born about 1906, probably in Lancashire?

3 votes

I uploaded a tree to Ancestry and it has old UID facts. How do I delete them?

3 votes

Web site or other means for collaborative annotation of photographs and documents?

3 votes

How to upload a "stripped" GEDCOM to DNA sites

3 votes

Software/tool to generate 'trial' family trees?

3 votes

Automatically marking relatives dead when born more than 100 years ago