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3 votes

Passenger Records Research for Pakistan

The term "Pakistan" is an anachronism for that time. So far as I can see, Peshawar was part of the Sikh Empire until the Empire was defeated by the British in 1849. Even so, I can find no ...
AdrianB38's user avatar
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2 votes

Finding birth, marriage and death records for Muslims in South Asia and Aden

Lack of records isn’t something unique to Aden. Here in the UK we sometimes have the same problem. England & Wales has kept birth, death and marriages from 1837 onwards, Scotland from 1855 and ...
Elwyn Soutter's user avatar
2 votes

Passenger Records Research for Pakistan

There may not be any passenger lists for that route or that general type of journey. In general, lists were created for the benefit of the immigration authorities at the place of arrival. They mostly ...
Elwyn Soutter's user avatar

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