I'm having a bit of trouble reading and translating the "Mar" section at the bottom here:

enter image description here

At the moment, I have:

Wolff Schweitzers kind hain Schwager gewaffen
Hans Schmüch Mayer kind Margarata Claüs Brüek 
    frau gehatten

I'm not even sure if that's one entry, or two, as I can't figure out the meaning of the first line.

1 Answer 1


The line is:

Mar: Wolff Schweitzers Kindt sein Schwager gevatter


March: Wolff Schweitzers child his brother-in-law godparent

The author had a certain vertical drift, so the next line starting with "Hans" is indeed a different entry.

Keep in mind that the meaning of "schwager" depends on era and local customs, but it seems to be unambiguous to the author.

  • Thanks. He definitely didn't mince words, unfortunately...
    – BrianFreud
    Commented Nov 23, 2021 at 8:26

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